
Monday, 20 April 2015

Q is for Qabbani

Q has been a real toughie, there are not many poets beginning with Q. 
The Syrian poet Nizar Qabbani is described as one of the most revered contemporary poets of the Arab world, and was known as a radical intellectual and feminist.

Light is more important than the lantern,
The poem more important than the notebook,
And the kiss more important than the lips.

My letters to you
Are greater and more important than both of us.
They are the only documents
Where people will discover
Your beauty 
And my madness

For anyone interested the Poetry Foundation is offering free downloads of their current issue of Poetry magazine to celebrate National Poetry Month

(Linking back to the A to Z Challenge)

1 comment:

  1. Happy to see someone else highlighting Arab poets/poetry. Qabbani is my poet maestro for the day too.


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