
Sunday, 19 April 2015

Trinity Buoy Wharf (not an A to Z post)

It is not a journey for the faint-hearted to make your way down to Trinity Buoy Wharf, hidden in the backwaters of east London, for there are strange sights and sounds to encounter there.  

The Floodtide listening post makes music determined by the tide of the Thames. A submerged sensor reads tidal flow data and converts it into notation that is played by the listening post:
Then just around the corner the Time and Tide Bell is one of a series of bells planned around the coast of Britain; the bell is rung by the high tide, but because of the unique shape one ring makes a series of notes one after another (we weren't around to hear it unfortunately).
And across the courtyard a sign outside a tiny wooden shed invites you to enter and experience the sights and sounds of the scientist Michael Faraday, who worked there on the electrification of lighthouses. Here I was thinking it was some kind of mock up but according to the wikipedia page, "His workshop still stands at Trinity Buoy Wharf above the Chain and Buoy Store, next to London's only lighthouse where he carried out the first experiments in electric lighting for lighthouses". 
More strange sights and sounds were in store when I descended into the basement of the Electrician's Shop to see Monkey performing in Midsummer Night's Dream and (here below) As You Like It. The Year of the Monkey are currently doing three Shakespeare comedies for the London season. The run finishes on 25th April and shortly after that they will begin rehearsals for the Edinburgh Fringe.

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