
Tuesday, 12 May 2020

100 Days - day 17

Aaargh! We finished the new puzzle and there is a piece missing! It was secured under the sofa at night and no evidence that the cat had tried to interfere with it, but still, a piece missing. We have puzzle gremlins.

On the plus side I recycled some soap scraps and made a new little bar of soap. I even improvised a mould out of a yogurt pot lid. Tish warned me not to put it in the microwave, apparently it does not work, so I just melted the pieces in the pyrex jug over a pan of hot water.

The goslings are coming along well. Tish says they are considered an invasive species and the park keepers would usual prick the eggs so they do not hatch, but apparently not this year. Haven't seen the original cootling, which is making me anxious for it, but did see another family with three. We can't see the heron's nest any more now all the foliage is out. Dunk says there are four fox cubs in the garden ... but I don't get to watch them.

The finished puzzle is Antagony by Robert S Connett, produced by Flame Tree Publishing. While we very much appreciated the fact that there were two copies of the picture I was a little disappointed that there were a number of damaged pieces (outies that were bent or where the image was becoming detached). Also all the pieces were two innies/two outies. We like variety in our puzzle pieces. I think I will get Convergence back out now.

Book to Make You Think: A Long Long Way by Sebastian Barry from 2012. (And very much looking forward to his new book A Thousand Moons).

Stay safe (don't bother with the alert thing, doze on the sofa if you like). See you tomorrow.

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