
Thursday, 27 April 2023

W is for Woodlouse

Lift any of the many pots in my yard and there will be woodlice underneath (and worms, which also begin with W, but they have already had a post). They are the kind of creature I hated as a child, but then I was pretty squeamish. There is also something vaguely prehistoric about them, and in fact the oldest fossils of woodlice are 100 million years old. They are excellent little creatures who help to break down decaying matter. 
Last summer I worked very hard at learning to identify the bees that came to my corner of the world ... at least seven or eight different ones. This I believe is a wool carder bee.
And this is my miniature wildflower meadow from 2021:
Linking back to the A to Z Challenge.

#AtoZChallenge 2023 letter W
Stay safe. Be kind. Finish that dissertation.

1 comment:

  1. Did you know that the collective noun for woodlice is 'quabble'? Neither did I until recently . . .


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