
Thursday, 27 April 2023

All the rewards

There have been cookies. There have been cakes. There have been movie nights. There are been silly socks. There have been many hours of staring listlessly at the computer. But this evening there has been all the rewards because the dissertation was finished and submitted last night. The last few thousand words happened in quite a rush so other rewards, like the charity shop trawl, will probably happen next week. The final few weeks until the exams are still packed with stuff to do but this hurdle has been hurdled. For reasons beyond anyone's control it has been both an awful and long (and an awfully long) four years and also it has gone by in a flash.
So sushi for dinner followed by lemon meringue pie.
Stay safe. Be kind. Smash that dissertation and then never think about it again.

1 comment:

  1. What a relief when the final draft is posted - rewards are required!


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