
Thursday, 1 June 2023

Blue tit joy for 30 Days Wild

30 Days Wild with the Wildlife Trusts starts today and I am going do a half arsed job of joining in and posting some stuff about the great outdoors. We don't have a lot of wildlife so it will be mostly plant joy, but I will be keeping my eyes peeled for anything interesting. Two years ago some blue tits took up residence in a crevice by the airbrick outside Dunk's bathroom. They came back and forth for a while but it was short-lived and they just disappeared. So we were pretty excited to see new arrivals this spring. I waited quite a while early one Sunday as the sun came up but failed to get a photo. 
Later in the day I managed to catch him ... just about ...
We have observed the comings and goings over the past few weeks and the brood has plainly arrived as the back-and-forth has gotten more frequent. However much needed work has been planned on the roof and the scaffolders arrived last week:
I was distraught as I thought the parents might just abandon the nest with all the disruption and human activity in close proximity.
My fears proved to be unfounded as they are completely unfazed, and in fact they find the scaffolding a useful perch to check for danger before entering the nest (excuse the photo but the kitchen window is filthy):
Stay safe. Be kind. See what's going on outside your kitchen window.


  1. Interesting challenge. How lovely to have a family of blue tits living with you cheek by jowl.

  2. We have barn swallows in our old horse barn and robins in our clematis vine (and on top of a tire on our big truck). This will be a fun challenge for you!

  3. Lovely to have Blue Tits nesting so close by! I'm amazed at the places they sometimes nest in!


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