
Monday, 18 April 2022

April Garden Delights (not an A to Z post)


The garden has been neglected chaos pretty much since the autumn. I am a fair weather gardener and anyway there is nothing much to do out there when it is just dead stuff in pots. I finally went out there on Saturday to make a start on the new growing season. I cleaned out the Julians and added worm compost to several places. I weeded the trees and cleared out dead stalks of sunflowers and evening primrose, and potted a few things up in the hope that more space will encourage growth. Stuff has come on quite well by itself to be honest. The strawberry plants all seemed to be dead, but I had captured quite a lot of baby ones in tiny pots, so I moved them all into the strawberry planter.
White bluebells, that I don't recall planting:
Wallflowers that mum sent last year:
Grape hyacinths that I did plant:
The acer that I bought two years ago, bright spring green and doing so well:
a new tiny acer that mum gave me:
the mess of weeds in pots that I leave alone in the hope that some of them may be wildflowers:
The side bed is looking just lush, though a new climber for this space is in order this year (having had two passionflower plants die last summer):
I had been feeling very slumpy, and a morning in the yard, reminding myself how lovely it is to have this space worked wonders. Things I was worried were dead seem to be coming back to life and there were even a few bees moseying around. It's going to be a lovely summer.
Stay safe. Be kind. Enjoy your space, no matter how small.

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