The one I have picked would more accurately (in my opinion) be defined as a 'contented poem':
Intimacy by Nina Cassian
I know how to be alone.
There is a tacit understanding
between my pencils
and the trees outside;
between the rain
and my luminous hair.
The tea is boiling:
my golden zone,
my pure burning amber.
I can be alone,
I know how to be alone.
By tea-light
I write
(translated from the Romanian by Eva Feller and Nina Cassian.)
But then I have to go off at a completely different tangent. Another blog I follow (there are far too many of them I know) is called The Daily Beat, which is mostly about Jack Kerouac and other aspect of 'beat' culture. Anyway he mentioned a new biopic about Allan Ginsberg and the Guardian article he linked to mentioned Lawrence Ferlinghetti and I was reminded of a poem of his that I just love, so I'm going to post that too:
Don't let that horse
eat that violin
cried Chagall's mother
But he
kept right on
And became famous
And kept on painting
The Horse With Violin In Mouth
And when he finally finished it
he jumped up upon the horse
and rode away
waving the violin
And then with a low bow gave it
to the first naked nude he ran across
And there were no strings attached
I like both of these ... I really enjoy many of Ferlinghetti's poems but hadn't read this one so it was a real treat.
ReplyDeleteAnd I don't enjoy shoe shopping either, for what that is worth.
Loved the Lawrence Ferlinghetti poem - I'd never heard of him before.