We trawled the charity shops yesterday and came home with two nice cookery books, one on pasta sauces and one from the 'Ready Steady Cook' programme, and a yoga book, as well as a collapsable washing basket. Tish herself spent today clearing out 'under the bed', a very scary process (fortunately she didn't find anything dead), and has filled the recycle bin with her college notes.
Dunk made us a delicious banana cake, which has kept me going while I sewed, and has worked on the short film he made of our jam making process. It is finally up on his blog, so you can pop here and see how it is done. He is a bit of a perfectionist and tends to tinker with his projects indefinitely and resists putting them up for others to see. He did a brilliant one of the process of making bread but refuses to upload it claiming it is not finished.
Beautiful! The duvet is lovely too. Busy time...Sadie hasn't started packing yet, but R is looking forward to getting her room back.