NaNoWriMo starts in a couple of hours.
Not sure what's going to happen but it will certainly be an experience.
As the days have crept past I have become more convinced that I can't write anything, let alone a book. Have struggled to even do my 100 words.
My mind is totally blank.
Devoid of inspiration.
I spent the evening a few days ago learning how to use the Scrivener programme, so at least I have achieved something.
Like lots of things, better in actuality than anticipation I'm sure. At least I don't feel the need to stay up to midnight to get started ... but I bet I'll be up early tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteBest of luck - you are not alone!
Just let the words flow - any words - anything - your gut instinct should tell you this is working (or not) but it'll get the grey cells humming and churning and the idea will arrive. I also find that a prompt works too. GOOD LUCK with your nano!!! You can do this!! Yay! take care
good luck martine and enjoy your new creation!