I was browsing this morning and found a site where people are up in arms about a new law about to come into force in the US. It is called the Consumer Products Safety Improvements Act, which is apparently putting stringent new regulations on the production of any products for children, specifically clothes and toys. All of this is going to impact very negatively on small scale producers of hand made items. So a campaign has been going on to protest against these new regulations. I guess another sign of the fact that the world is full of crazy people and most of them seem to be busy drafting legislation.
Oh, yes and the dogs are back next door (we think they belong to friends or relatives) and they *really* hate being alone and they set eachother off barking, and if I was not such a nice person I would go round and make a sarcastic comment.
Well, that is very nice of you. Of course, other people would consider shooting them, as sarcastic comments are pretty much par for the course. I guess that means you are a nice person, and I am a pet hater. :-)