I am pleased with how my latest batch of homespun has turned out. It was a blended rainbow roving from
Sarah's Texture Crafts (Sarah also runs a felting forum
here.). There seemed to be a lot of blue as I spun but from some angles it is more green and yellow dominated. It is the fun of such projects that you are not sure quite how it will turn out. As usual I have a lovely hank of stuff and no idea what I might make with it, probably only enough for a scarf or something small.

When we were at the Cotswold Wildlife Park yesterday we saw a herd of these
Bactrian Camels, not the most fascinating of animals ... but they were shedding big lumps of camel hair. If I had been allowed into the enclosure there could have been enough to make a jumper or two but as it was C, little M and I walked the entire periphery of the camel enclosure and collected a large fistful of somewhat grassy camel hair. There is a lovely variety of shades; pale cream through to really dark brown. I am going to have a go at spinning it and see how it turns out, so watch this space.
you lucky bird...camelhair..it felts super!
ReplyDeleteHow wonderful to spin your own, and how can you think camels are not fascinating:)
ReplyDeleteI have someone I'd love to introduce you to who lives in Coltswold. I don't want to seem to be promoting her blog, so email me if you want her info.