Tish had her college prize giving day today. She was awarded a National Diploma in Animal Management at Distinction level. I am very proud of her. It has been a hard two years for her, especially the three hours a day she has spent traveling back and forth. It was a very dull ceremony, marked by the man with a very thick neck sitting right in front of me and a horsey woman who did the shaking hands with all the students and who definitely should not take up public speaking.

M is appearing tonight in her first (of many, I hope) professional stage performance. She goes to the Youth Musical Theatre group at Chipping Norton Theatre and they were asked a few weeks ago if any of them were interested in participating in a performance with the Oxfordshire Theatre Company. So she jumped at the chance (or did I push her?), and having had a couple of rehearsals to learn the songs a group of ten of them will be appearing tonight, then Wednesday and Thursday this week in Dancing in my Dreams by Neil Duffield. She is having to wear a very ugly brown dress but I insisted she must get a photo as she will want a record of everything she appears in over the years to come. I will try and nag her into blogging about the experience but having got her signed up a few months ago to Blogger I have yet to persuade her that it is a fun way to record and share what goes on in your life.
Oh wow! congrats to Tish! And to you for being so proud. Great photo of the two of you! :-) And of course she got a distinction...she is rather distinctive. :-) Love to you both, Julie