Monday 15 April 2024

M is for Mosquito

#AtoZChallenge 2024 letter M
M is for Mosquito, from the Spanish or Portuguese, literally meaning 'little fly'. Interesting factoid, throughout human history more people have died of malaria than anything else, so mosquitoes have been the biggest threat to humanity, and it still kills over 600,000 people every year. Mosquitoes also spread several other diseases so they are certainly a lot more annoying than a little fly.

Linking back to the A to Z Challenge.


  1. It's hard to recognise their value in the ecosystem, but they must have some.

  2. Dam those little flies. I was sharing with my students recently how dangerous mossies were. Way more than dangerous than snakes, spiders or any of the apex predators.

  3. I understand Bill Gates was thinking of using mosquitoes to deliver vaccines. Don't know how I feel about that...


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