Time for a traditional roundup of the last year of blogging.
Firstly, it's nice to find how visitor numbers have snowballed ... this time last year I claimed just over 7,000 total visits, the number now shows over 27,000, probably averaging 60 visits a day.
Blog stats:
Posts - 128
Comments - 198
Followers - 69
For some unfathomable reason, without any apparent specific searches, my dad's guest post about Little Bee (from October) has been getting visitors every day and has jumped, incredibly, to being my third most visited post, the top two remain the Lizard Cake and Margaret Atwood poetry.
Three new blogs started: one for 'small stones' started last January, one for creative writing started in September and then another started in May following the concerns of ageing.
Novels written - 1 (unfinished)
It's been a busy year for knitting
6 pairs of socks (and one on the needles now)
1 pair baby leggings
Some random bits of felting and a few yards spun.
Probably well over 900 (that's nine HUNDRED) miles ridden on my trusty bike.
One new job for Dunk but no new houses, pets or babies, in fact not much in the way of momentous events happened all year. Here's hoping for another uneventful one in 2012.
(Photo from our trip in May to Dunham Massey)
Congratulations! I love seeing your posts and the mixture of knitting and books and other bits!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! Seems we both entered the Blog World in January 2009!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on such an uneventful year!!! Long may it continue!!!
ReplyDeleteYou inspired me to pick up my knitting needles again after a pause of many years! I started a brown fluffy waistcoat at xmas - hopefully I will finish it.....!
You wrote a novel - or near enough one! That's an amazing exciting thing!! And you clothed and fed many! And you read lots! All super duper amazing! Yay!
ReplyDeleteHappy blogiversary!!! Take care