Sunday 1 April 2012

A is for Adultery

The setting sun is bright behind the half lowered blind and the shadow of the washing line bisects the table between them. After the 'How was your day?' formalities there is little left to say; what little there is is left unsaid. The food is shuffled around plates listlessly, she eats her potato tiny piece by tiny piece. At each sip the wine turns sour in his mouth, but fingers rest on the stem for want of anything better to do. She pushes her plate away and sighs. A phone beeps abruptly in the silence and, then, their eyes meet.

(I have decided to go for a month of Flash Fiction, also written to the 100 Words format, just to add to the challenge. Written for the A to Z Challenge. Title suggested by Creature when I requested inspiration.)


  1. Lovely. Flash Fiction is so powerful.

  2. Awww - enjoyed this flash fic -esp. the last line! Yay! Take care

  3. Very cool vignette. I was sucked right in!

  4. Good challenge! I'm impressed. Good luck! Am writing about places I've lived - keeping to 500 words. :)

  5. Hello, fellow A to Z'er! I love the idea for doing a month of flash ... I wish I'd thought of that! I started today with just some daily musings. Stop by and check it out, if you'd like! Sort of a "day in the life of" blog. :-)

    I'm following you ... I can't wait to see what else you come up with! Great job, and happy blogging!


Thanks for stopping by. Thoughts, opinions and suggestions (reading or otherwise) always most welcome.