Wednesday 12 April 2023

J is for Julian

Back in 2019 Dave arrived in the garden with all his friends. Unfortunately I managed to kill Dave because I am a bad worm mummy and his house got waterlogged, so Dave was replaced by Julian and all his friends (that's just one little corner where a few were huddled when I opened the lid):
Julian and his many, many descendants have occupied the worm house for nearly 3 years now, eating our waste food and producing lovely worm compost and worm juice that feeds all my plants. All winter I have been opening the house up to feed them, feeling worried about the cold weather, but there they are, wriggling around and reproducing like mad:
They mostly stay where its warm and full of food but I do find them in random places around the garden. I had a very confusing experience of finding some on the little table, under a pile of lavender flowers that I had left out in the rain. How did they get there I wondered, surely worms can't 
climb? But apparently yes they can:
Linking back to the A to Z Challenge.

#AtoZChallenge 2023 letter J
Stay safe. Be kind. Respect the worms.


  1. Gives me the heebie-jeebies to look at them, but I'll bet they do a great job...

  2. I have a large compost heap in lieu of a worm farm. They're so cute!

    Ronel visiting for J:
    My Languishing TBR: J
    Jolly Leprechauns


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